Sunday, February 10, 2013

I love my husband

Up until I met Corry I never wanted to get married.  I wasn't sure how my future was going to turn out but I knew that it didn't include children or a husband.  I wasn't happy with how my relationships with men were going at that time but I was at a loss as to what I really wanted.  Then I started talking with Corry...

We met online in December 2006.  We began talking right before I went to Florida to be in Jennifer's wedding.  Unfortunately, the night before the wedding I ended up falling and shattering my ankle.  I flew back to Texas and had surgery to reconstruct three bones in my ankle.  I couldn't walk for six weeks and had to wear a boot for the next few months.  I never thought that I would say this but I am grateful for breaking my ankle because even though it has set me back physically, I wouldn't be a wife or a mother today if it wouldn't have happened. 

We spoke over the phone everyday numerous times a day for a few weeks and then I finally went to meet him.  We drove around in Arlington for over an hour and just talked about everything.  Once I dropped him off, I kept thinking how much I liked him and how different I felt about him and our situation than I had with any other boy prior to him.  Once I went back to work I moved back to my apartment in Dallas and shortly after that he moved in.  We always joke that he moved in one backpack at a time. 

I'm not going to say that I easily decided that I wanted to get married.  I have had my fair share of panic attacks about the whole situation.  Up until Corry came along my longest relationship was like a month.  That isn't something to be proud of, but it's the truth.  I will admit that it still shocks me that he has been able to put up with me this long.  It just became easier and easier to see myself spending time with Corry on a long term basis.   

We talked about getting married long before we got engaged.  We bought our rings before he asked me to marry him.  He proposed in Lake Tahoe in 2008 when I was in Carson City on business and we were married April 2, 2009.  I love him more today than I could have even dreamed about that day. 

I say all of that to bring you the top 10 things that I love about my husband:

  1. I love that he is an amazing provider who works all hours of the day and night to ensure that we have the things that we need and also the things that we want.
  2. I love that he is an amazing father to all four of his children.
  3. I love that he makes me laugh even when I don't want him to.
  4. I love that he goes out of his way to make me feel special.
  5. I love that he tells me I am beautiful.
  6. I love that he tells our daughter everyday that she is beautiful.
  7. I love that he teaches me new things about love, relationships and life in general everyday. 
  8. I love that he sacrifices to make our family happy.
  9. I love that he knows just how to make me happy and does whatever it takes to make me happy. 
  10. I love that he loves my family.

To use a line that is sometimes overused - I love him to the moon and back. 


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