Wednesday, August 14, 2013

My husband's birthday

My husband's birthday is today.  We are celebrating his birthday this year by doing two of his favorite things: being off work and camping.  We don't normally do a lot for birthdays for each other, but I do have a few things planned for him this weekend.  I would like to celebrate his birthday this year by talking about three of the things that I love best about him. 

He is a hard worker. 
My husband works 6 days a week at a mostly thankless job to help ensure that our family is always taken care of.  When he comes home, he takes care of the 'man' jobs around the house like mowing, fixing things, or installing things whenever those are necessary.  He rarely complains about how much or when he has to work.  He has always had a strong work ethic and has never been one of those people who was happy with going to work sometimes and doing a half-ass job.  He is amazing and this is one part of him that I love to death. 

He is an amazing father.
Having four children is no easy task.  Having two teenagers and two toddlers under 3 is definitely difficult sometimes, and he handles it like an absolutely pro.  He is always there for his children.  We recently had a situation with our eldest daughter Grace and when she asked to come home he drove 6 hours that next morning to go and pick her up.  As a parent, I think that you always want the best that you can provide for your children, but he really does work hard to provide the most that he can for them.  He is always willing to get down and play with the children and even though he doesn't think that he is sometimes, he is an excellent teacher, especially with his kids.  One of the best things that I love about him related to his children is how much he compliments our daughters and really tries to build up their self confidence.  He calls our daughters "beautiful", "gorgeous", etc every chance that he gets and I really think that is important.  Whether or not you believe it, I am a firm believer that your relationship with your parents has a defining effect on your relationships when others in the future.  It really is important to him that his daughters are self confident.  I think that people say this a lot, but I really do feel like he is an amazing example of a great father. 

He is an excellent husband.
The same way that he is always complimenting the children, he is always complimenting me and that is awesome.  More importantly though, he puts up with me and all my issues with relationships and parenting.  Sure we fight and have our battles, but he is the most understanding and forgiving man that I have ever met.  He says the sweetest things to me when I don't feel good and he is quick to help me when I may not even know that I need help.  He will always and forever be one of the best things that has ever happened to me. 

There are a lot of things that I love about Corry but these are definitely some of the most important things to me about him.  Happy birthday, Corry!  I love you more and more everyday and I will love you forever and always. 

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