Thursday, February 9, 2012

Resolution #1: Have more patience today than I did yesterday

Patience can be defined, after a simple Google search as, "The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset."  It sounds simple, right?  But it's not.  At least not for me.  I am, by my nature, not the *most* impatient person in the world... however that person would look at me sometimes and go "Damn, can she just chill?" 

I have read books on how to be more patient.  I know my triggers.  And yet, I have been unable to change in previous years.  Before kids and marriage, I never really cared that I wasn't patient.  Part of that impatience is useful at my job because I can accomplish tasks faster and since a lot of my job doesn't rely on actions of others than it isn't necessary to show my most patient self.  At home, my dogs didn't care that I wasn't the most patient of people... they loved me anyways.  Now, since getting married and especially since having kids, I feel like it is more important than ever for me to have more patience.  My husband deserves for me to be chill and not be so upset when things don't exactly go my way immediately.  My kids deserve for me to let them play as loud as they want or do something wrong multiple times before figuring out the best way to accomplish a task.  I owe that to them. 

I understand that this resolution is probably considered cheating since there is really no measurable goal.  There is no way to qualify or quantify the results that I will get from this resolution.  Strike that... my happiness, my children's happiness, and my husband's happiness will be the proof that this resolution is in the process of being accomplished.  But it will be a work in progress.  It IS a work in progress. 

So how will I work through this resolution?  Some people would suggest deep breathing... some would suggest counting to 10.  I have a different idea... During my preparation for my two labors, I learned from multiple sources the importance of using affirmations and belief suggestions to remind your brain that you could accomplish a certain task (delivering a healthy baby as naturally as possible in that case.)  I will utilize that same philosophy here.  I wasn't sure of what I was going to use until I was typing this post.  As I have been writing "slow to anger" has continually popped up into my head.  I will take this as a hint from God that I should use that.  I will use that belief suggestion to remind myself of this resolution anytime that I feel myself getting out of control. 

I am using this as a note and a reminder to follow up in March with how these resolutions are going.  Until then wish me luck that a more patient me emerges starting today.       

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