Sunday, March 3, 2013

Eyebrow torture

Naturally I have super thick eyebrows.  They require a lot of maintenance to not look like 'wolverine' according to my husband.  I am willing to admit that I need some help with them because I am completely inept when it comes to shaping my brows.  I have watched multiple videos and read lots of beauty blogs and still just can't get it together.  So off to decide which option is for me...

Any of the options for eyebrow maintenance were probably used as torture in the 15th century.  First you could pull one piece of hair out at a time, or you can slather some burning hot wax on your hair and rip it off, or you could cover the unwanted hair with the smelliest cream known to man that burns your hair off, or you could let someone at a salon shoot lasers at your hair follicles for ungodly amounts of money in hopes that your hair never grows back.  They all sound like great options, right ladies? 

For years, I tweezed my brows just where I needed to.  When I started getting my nails done in high school, I started getting them waxed.  This wasn't awesome, but it was quick and seemed like it lasted longer than tweezing. 

This week I decided that I wanted to start getting my brows done again since I am in this new year of trying to woo my husband again and start feeling more like me again.  I had NO idea where to get my brows done, but decided that I wanted to try getting my eyebrows threaded.  I figured that it couldn't be that bad considering that I was used to getting them waxed.  I figured wrong. 

I decided to go to this kiosk in the closest mall that is *always* busy, because I figured busy was a good sign.  I left my name and came back 15 minutes later since they said there was a line.  The woman who took my information was very friendly.  I sat/laid in this chair that was super reclined and tried to relax.  I had no idea what was coming because I figured being surprised was better than knowing about any impending pain. 

I felt the thread on my left eye and two seconds later RIP!!  OMG, I think that I might die!  It was kind of the pain of waxing but it takes about 12 rips to get from one side of your eye to the other on the top and then another 12 to get back on the under side.  When they get to the outside they make you hold your eye closed with one hand and the other on your forehead pulling the skin taut.  This involvement doesn't help the pain, but more makes you a party to your own injury. 

It took about five minutes total but seemed like a lot longer.  They looked good immediately and she did an excellent job shaping them.  They put some powder and some witch hazel on afterwards and trimmed them down.  I appreciated this detail work because I don't get that from every salon that I go to.  And even better... the charge for this torture?  $10.00 before tip. 

The best part about eyebrow threading is that I wasn't red and swollen afterwards like I always am after getting them waxed.  The worst part is that she pinched the you know what out of the underside of my eyebrow and I now have a line of small sores.  Unfortunately, I have had worse injuries from waxing.  I'm not sure if I have the courage to do this again.  You can see from the obvious tan line on the under side of my eye that it had been awhile since I plucked my brows - perhaps it wouldn't be so bad if they were better maintained. 

Let me know - have you had your brows threaded? 


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