Monday, May 13, 2013


I have been on an unplanned hiatus from this blog. 

Where have I been? 

- No where important.  Work, home, shopping, camping, etc. 

What have I been doing?

- Camping, spending time with my family, sleeping, not blogging, etc.

Why did I take a break? 

- It definitely wasn't a planned break.  While we were camping I had intentions of just posting pre-written blog posts.  Well I didn't get a chance to write those posts, so I thought that I would just post when I got back.  Needless to say I didn't re-start blogging when I returned.  And here we are almost a month later and I finally am ready to come back. 

Do I have anything to say for myself? 

- I apologize, but I definitely needed some time off. 

What am I planning for posts in the near future? 

- Well, while I was camping I re-started smoking and today was the first day that I stopped again.  I am less than excited about this change.  I am an excellent quitter of smoking, but I am the worst when it comes to sticking to it.  I can always find a reason to go back to smoking - stress, kids, drinking, etc. I would like to blog about this journey to quitting.  I also need to follow up with my camping posts that I promised that I would follow through on.  I also would like to write at least one post on this amazing article that I read that got our 'prepper' fire burning again. 

Stay tuned...

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