Sunday, January 19, 2014

Convalescent home

It has officially been a week since I last posted a blog.  If you start off the year with a failure, it can only get better, right? 

The fact that I missed 7 blogs is less than awesome considering that I am trying to post a blog entry everyday.  Unfortunately, for the last two weeks I have been running a convalescent home at our house.  The younger kids started getting sick a little over two weeks ago.  Runny nose, cough, congestion, etc.  Since all of my kids have horrible allergies it is often difficult to decide if they are just having regular allergies to something or if they are coming down with an actual illness.  Plus my youngest son runs a fever at the drop of a hat so it is really difficult to tell if he is sick. 

The youngest two were sick with this crud that everyone is our area seems to have starting two weeks ago, which culminated for them with a trip to our favorite pediatrician for my son to confirm an ear infection.  Yippee.  At least we are on medication and well on the way to being on the mend.  In the end of all of this horrible sickness that has been going around, he was also cutting three molars so we were all not sleeping during that time.  My youngest daughter has an incredible tolerance for pain and we never knew when she was cutting any teeth.  She slept the same and didn't put her hands in her mouth or chew on any toys or have any of the 'normal' teething symptoms.  My son is a textbook teether.  He drools, he is up for hours on end in the middle of the night, he cries, and whines and chews on everything including his hands, toys, other people's hands, etc.  Night and day difference...

When your children get sick, there is an immediate sense of dread that starts filling your house.  How long will it be until I get what they have?  I started feeling sick Saturday night after Silas's birthday party and honestly felt like I was getting the flu.  Body aches, stuffy nose, chills, etc.  I had intentions to take some Nyquil and head to bed, but Isabella had other plans.  Long story short, she and I were at the ER with a suspected broken arm for awhile that night.   I will insert here that some day I will post about how the diagnosis of her broken arm came about but right now it is too new and I have so much anger and guilt about it, that it is not healthy to talk about it.  I will leave it that we were able to confirm a break, she is in a cast for four weeks and she doesn't seem to even notice.  I slept well that night when we got home but still felt awful the next day.  I was sure that the flu had settled over me.  I laid on the couch for most of the day and tried to think about not feeling like death warmed over. 

Rarely do I actually get sick.  I will get a minor case of the allergies every so often, but I usually only get sick like this once every couple of years and it is miserable.  This is the first time that I have been sick like this since my younger children were born and it is less than awesome when you have to take care of other human beings while you are feeling like you want to climb in a hole and sleep for days.  I am honestly just now starting to feel better. 

This week is a new week and I am determined to make it better than last week.  I am going to leave behind the awful feelings of last week with being sick and dealing with several doctors appointments for my daughter and make this upcoming week better.  I have several awesome posts coming this week about Silas's birthday party and some new recipes that I am excited to try for this month.  I did my monthly grocery shopping today and am excited to share my meal plan and what we bought for this month.  I have been in a funk with cooking recently but am back on the cooking wagon. 

How has your week been? 

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