Monday, July 15, 2013

Jalapeno juice is not an acceptable substitute for eye drops.

So on the menu for tonight's dinner was:
          stuffed chicken breasts with broccoli & cheese
          twice baked potato casserole (Thanks Jim and Traci for the inspiration!)
          corn muffins

We were rockin' and rollin' with the cooking in the kitchen.  The times to cook things were lining up, and all of the dishes were coming together really well.  I had not originally planned on cooking corn muffins but they looked good when I was reviewing our items from the pantry.  As I was scooping the corn muffin mix into the muffin tins I was like holy jeez I should add some of our freshly picked jalapenos to some of this batter for mine and Corry's muffins. 

I quickly scooped out the seeds and chopped them up into small bits, scraped them into the bowl and scooped the remaining muffins into the tin.  I was moving the tin over by the oven to get in line to be cooked in roughly 10 minutes and something in my eye started itching.  Without even thinking about the fact that I had not yet washed my hands I moved my fingers up and itched the corner of my eyelid. 

HOLY JEEZ!!!  I have had a lot of bad ideas in my life, but they all suddenly pale in comparison to the utter horror and stabbing red hot poker-like pain that was radiating from my right eye.  I instantly freak out because I am wearing contacts and I know from a million years in science class that all a contact lens does is hold the offensive liquid closer to your eyeball.  I'm screaming for my husband (where is the camera to be recording this for YouTube when you need it?) and luckily he comes to help me.  I get my contact out, rinse out my eye for what seems like years, and changed into my glasses.  I had always heard don't go to the bathroom or rub your face until you wash your hands after cutting hot peppers like that but have never experienced it until tonight.   

It has been more than 30 minutes since I stopped rinsing my eye and it still feels like I have an awful sunburn on the outside and inside of my eye.  Please God tell me this is going to get better...

On the bright side, we had an excellent meal despite the burned eye situation.   

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