Friday, March 22, 2013

If a mom was President...

Let's all take a break from our current reality with our jobs and stress and think about the major differences in our world if a Mom were President of the United States. 

       There would be a balanced budget and no more debt.  Can't you just hear the 'mom voice' - "Do you think money grows on trees?"  We would all have hand me down clothes and would save money for things that we wanted instead of just charging it.  Moms are a master at being able to stretch a dollar, and I don't know many economic majors that could balance a budget like a Mom can.  Once you are a mom, or a parent in general, you suddenly have to think about 900 moving pieces all simultaneously and to get all of those perfectly in line and manage to do it under a certain amount of money a year taking a certifiable genius. 

       There wouldn't be terrorists because right before anyone was setting off bombs or meeting to discuss any kind of terroristic activity, she would show up and say something like "I've got eyes in the back of my head and I have been watching you this whole time."  How do moms have this ability?  I have noticed that since my child has been I have been using a similar line more and more.  My kids can be in the toy room and I can just sense that they are doing something that I would prefer that they not be doing.

    There wouldn't be any wars because we all know how moms are about fighting.  We would have one big world-sized 'get along shirt' that we all would have to wear in order to stop killing one another, fighting in wars, etc.  The US would be in one gigantic never-ending timeout because there isn't a switch big enough to teach us all a lesson at the same time.  
In all fairness, I don't speak negatively about the President or any other elected official because I don't vote.  It's a personal choice for me that I probably will touch on in a later blog.  This is strictly meant to be as a joke and just something humorous to think about. 
What other things do you think would be different if a mom was the President? 

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