Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I have failed...

I don't normally like to post negative things or overall negative posts but I feel the need to confess some items that I am currently not doing awesome at in hopes that if I see them then I will do better.  There are definitely more - this is just a few:

  1. Meal planning for this week was non-existent.  I was just lazy this weekend and didn't ever get around to it.  As a result, there has been more stress on my husband these last three days to come up with something after he gets home from work.  Let's just say that I have heard my fill of it. 
  2. Exercising according to my resolutions.  Still hasn't happened.  I'm just going to leave this one alone.
  3. Paying bills according to the schedule.  This one is awful and going to get me in trouble with my budget but I am just in a funk the last few weeks.  Our water bill came today and was late last month.  We had the money to pay it; I just didn't pay it for some reason. 
  4. Going to be at a decent hour.  This one is the hardest thing to do because of how late I get home and what we want to do after I get home.  I feel like I want to spend time with my husband and my children, which is hard to do when you want to be in bed before 10pm and your kids start going to bed before 9pm.  Usually we get in bed after 11pm which is trouble because I wake up at 4:55am. 
I am exhausted today and have just completed a big work project so I am mostly brain dead.  Thank the Lord it is my short day tomorrow.  Let's all hope for a more positive Sara tomorrow. 



  1. I don't know if your city does it, but Arlington does, you can set up your water bill to come out automatically every month. I think I get something like a 2% break on my bill too if they take it out automatically. Might be worth looking into! :) Sounds like you had a bad week, but it's not over yet and it can always get better! Wishing you luck!!

  2. I am sure that Ft Worth does the same thing. I should also add that I am failing on commenting on your blog. I have three comments lined out but I have to register on the computer because it won't let me finish registering on my phone. I will do that today.

  3. I love the auto pay option most of the time. I just put it in my check register (I made my own version in Excel) that it has come out so I know not to spend that money and then I let the city do the rest! And it's no problem, take your time! I'm just glad you read it. I'm still trying to figure out how to get more readers.
