Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Resolution Update Week #1

Well, we are a week into the new year.  For most of us that means that we are still writing 2012 on any documents and starting to lose that beginning of the year motivation for our resolutions.  I have made it over a small hump with the resolutions that I have made but have come out more positively than I went in.  Here are the updates:

1. Be more "girl"y, i.e. wear makeup, do my hair, etc.  -  Prior to 2013 I wore makeup probably 20 times or less per year.  I have never really been a makeup and do my hair type person, especially since I had kids.  However, that is something that I want to pick up on, if for nothing else, then to make sure that my husband doesn't get bored.  I have been trying to do my make up everyday.  This week I have been very sick and ridiculously tired when I wake up in the mornings so makeup was a no go, but there is always next week. 
2. Blog everyday.  -  This I have been doing ok at.  Yes, I have blogged everyday, but are they the caliber blogs that I would like to putting out?  No...  The type A part of me wants to have a schedule and stick to it, but the lazy, tired, mom part of me is lucky to get out a blog like yesterday. 
3. Go on more dates with my husband.   -  I have some things planned, but no updates as of yet. 

1. Do 52 "Pinterest" projects for the year.   - I have made several recipes from Pinterest so far this year.  The oatmeal was a bust, but the frosting for Silas's birthday cakes was another recipe from Pinterest that turned out awesome.  I need to pick something for this week. 
2. Stock freezer with prepared meals once per month.  -  So far, all I have added to my freezer this year has been this awesome meatball recipe that I found on Pinterest  and a baked ziti that we love.  I need to further this. 
3. Create a monthly budget and stick to it.   -  I have been in a money slump for the past week or so because of the money that we spent on Christmas + some money stresses around our house.  I would like to not be stressed about money for the majority of the year like I was last year.  This is my ultimate idea behind this resolution. 
4. Save more money every month.  - See above.  I moved money into our savings this month.  Was it as much as I would have liked? no. 
5. Do 52 acts of preparedness.   - So far the only acts of preparedness I have done is start a blog for this and watch videos of other people.  Corry and I did talk the other day and we are going to start buying one thing every time we go to the store from a list that we formulate of items that we would like to stockpile for emergencies/prepping in the future.  We have no desire to be like those crazy loon preppers on TV, but if you think that it is unnecessary to be prepared for emergencies/ life in the future then you have your eyes closed. 

1. Stop drinking sodas.  I am proud to say that I have not had a soda since Dec 31st.  I drink a coffee in the morning from McDonalds usually and at least one glass of unsweet tea per day besides water.  The first day was murder because of the caffeine headache, but after that I had no issues without the caffeine.  I will tell you that the lack of high fructose corn syrup has been worse than the caffeine.  If you are a soda drinker you know that taste that you get from any soda... you can't mimic that taste with any other drink unfortunately.  I am almost to the point where I don't want it.  A few more days and I should be good.  I am proud of myself for this. 
2. Do some form of exercise 5 days per week.  - Let's not speak about the fact that I have failed completely on this one.  I will get better next week. 

All in all I think that I have done a fairly decent job.  This is a lot more resolutions than I normally make for myself, but ultimately the more organized and the more diligent that I am, the more than I should succeed with this list. 

I hope that everyone is having an awesome week!! 



  1. Thanks for sharing! I have a lot of the same goals as you for this year. I am thinking about adding the soda one to the list, although I only drink 2-3 sodas a week...I would like to cut them out completely. I did for 6 months right after my gallbladder surgery, so I think I can do it again!

    1. In my brain, I think that if I overanalyze it and overplan then I can make at least some of them even if I don't do them all! I have been wanting to do the cutting out sodas thing for a long time. We didn't do any restrictions post gallbladder surgery but maybe we should have... It's hard but only for the first few days because of the headache.. Thanks for reading!
