Thursday, January 17, 2013

I have a secret...

This is a secret that I normally don't tell people.  I wouldn't dare say this to most people at work because of the stigma that it carries with people for making you sound crazy and potentially unintelligent.  Ultimately, I don't like to be so devoted to this but I can't help it. 

I love conspiracy thoeries. 

Judge away.  I love them.  I don't subscribe to all of them, of course, but there is something addictive about conspiracies.  I think that it is the feeling of "the government is not telling us the truth on something" that potentially makes you feel like a detective on Law and Order.  It's even better (or worse) that we also now have constant access to Netflix and Hulu and the never-ending supply of documentaries about controversial subjects. 

Now, don't get me wrong.  I don't go on crazy websites or boycott certain things because of my beliefs.. I just like to read articles and watch documentaries about JFK's assassination, the moon landing, and 9-11.  I definitely wouldn't say that I am a doubter and I certainly don't try to convince anyone (except maybe my husband) of anything that I have "found" during my research.  If all of history could have been a conspiracy theory in class (some people believe that it was!) then I would have definitely received a better grade.  I'm addicted.. 

I do want to point out that while I think that there are a lot of suspicious things about 9-11 and more recently the Sandy Hook school shootings, that doesn't mean that I disrespect the folks who died those days or their families.  Wanting to know the truth about these subjects doesn't mean that I don't care about the people who lost their lives or have any less respect for the day.  A lot of people make the mistake of saying that conspiracy theorists have no respect for the dead and that we should just believe the government's story and let them rest in peace.  I think that those two ideas are totally unrelated...

- Sara

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